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Pick a brick!

Download LEGOLAND?

Yeah, right.

We'll let you know when LEGOLAND is ready for any kind of download.

There's not much we can do since Valve won't be releasing the Half-Life 2 SDK for months. But we have been busy discussing the game and creating proof-of-concept models.

In the meantime, you can grab the following images and create a fan site or something:

Images You Can Have

White Space Minifig 1
Six Figs
Pose 1
Pose 2

By the way, they're listed in order of creation. Notice how the hands get rounder on the inside and the grainy plastic texture improves. All of these models were created in Maya, except for the first one, which is a render of an MLCad file (using LDraw parts) in LDView.


LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize, or endorse this site.
Half-Life® and Half-Life® 2 are trademarks or registered trademarks of Valve L.L.C.
Background images © 1996-2001 by Todd Lehman
Web site design and graphics (well, most of them) © 2003 by Jordan Bradford