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Pick a brick!


Want to join the team? Email the project leader.

LEGOLAND Project Leader

Jordan Bradford - (Lord Pachelbel, Captain Kill)
Jordan Bradford started the LEGOLAND Half-Life 2 Modification project in June 2003 by building a website to describe his ideas. He is currently pursuing a career as a professional student in computer science.

LEGOLAND Graphics and Textures

Jordan Bradford - (Lord Pachelbel, Captain Kill)
Jordan is good at nitpicky graphical work, but he can't draw. It's a good thing Mike has joined the team (see below). Jordan uses Macromedia Fireworks and occasionally, Adobe Photoshop.

Mike Rayhawk
Mike Rayhawk is the creator of the popular BrikWars tabletop wargame. In real life, he's a freelance illustrator and concept designer (see


Mike Rayhawk
Mike uses Maya.

LEGOLAND Programming

Jordan Bradford - (Lord Pachelbel, Captain Kill)
Jordan knows Assembly, C++, Java, ML, and Prolog, but only C++ will help him with this project. *Sigh* Oh yes, he also knows D|X|HTML and CSS, but that's not really programming.

LEGOLAND Level Design

There's currently no need for such a person. In the meantime, email the project leader if you're interested. For practice, try creating levels using real LEGO bricks.

LEGOLAND Webmaster

Jordan Bradford - (Lord Pachelbel, Captain Kill)
Jordan uses Macromedia Dreamweaver, EditPlus (a great text editor), and WS_FTP to keep the website going. It's currently hosted on his university account.

Thanks to

Ars Technica OpenForum members


LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize, or endorse this site.
Half-Life® and Half-Life® 2 are trademarks or registered trademarks of Valve L.L.C.
Background images © 1996-2001 by Todd Lehman
Web site design and graphics (well, most of them) © 2003 by Jordan Bradford